Tuesday, 19 September 2017

Jio Ne Takkar Aapva Vodafone is offering 829 rupees phone, 900 free talk time

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After the launch of Geo 4G feature phones, companies are constantly bringing new plans to compete with it. Now Vodafone has taken out a new plan for its users. Vodafone is offering free talktime of Rs 900 on Lava’s feature phones to give a fight to GeoPhone. This offer is for Vodafone prepaid users only. The advantage of this offer is that both Vodafone’s new and old users can pick up. The user who is already using any of these Lava phones can also take advantage of it. You will need to buy one of LAVA’s ARC 101, ARC 105, ARC One Plus, KKT 9s, KKT Pearl, KKT 34 Power, KKT 40 Power +, Captain K1 +, and Captain N1 Feature Phone. This offer is valid till October 31.

Under this offer, users will get talktime of Rs 50 per month. Under this offer, on the phones purchased before October 31, recharge of Rs 100 or more per month will be available for talk time of up to 50 for 18 months. The cheapest feature phone of the Lava coming under this offer is the Captain N1 829 rupees.

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