Military Hospital Dhrangadhra Jobs 2017: 03 Chowkidar, Female Safaiwali Vacancy for 10TH published on 23rd October 2017. Military Hospital Dhrangadhra announced Job notification to hire candidates who completed 10TH for the position of Chowkidar, Female Safaiwali . Military Hospital Dharangadhra Recruitment 2017 – Chowkidar & Safaiwali Positions
Military Hospital Dharangadhra has released 03 vacancies for Chowkidar & Safaiwali vacancies on direct recruitment basis. Candidates who are searching government jobs in Military Hospital Dharangadhra we are updating a recruitment notice for interested persons. Eligible candidates for this Recruitment can submit their application through prescribed format on or before 21 days from date of
publication of advertisement in newspaper. with the help of details given below-– All interested candidates are suggest to go on Military Hospital original Govt job notification given below before applying the desires Posts
Military Hospital Dharangadhra Recruitment 2017 – Chowkidar & Safaiwali Positions
Military Hospital Dhrangadhra Jobs 2017.
Military Hospital Dharangadhra Jobs Vacancies Details:
Total No. of Posts: 03
Military Hospital Dharangadhra Jobs Vacancies Details:
Total No. of Posts: 03
Name of the Post: Chowkidar & SafaiwaliChowkidar: 02 Posts
Safaiwala: 01 Posts
Required Age of Candidates:
Age limit of candidates should be between 18 to 25 years as on last date of receipt of application.
– Relaxation in upper age will be provided as per govt norms.
Education Criteria:
Candidates should be completed Matriculation pass or equivalent recognized university. one year’s experience in the trade
Selection Procedure:
For above positions candidates selection will be based on merit, qualification & written test/ trade test.Candidate selection prosess by step
Written test
Trade test
Merit List
Safaiwala: 01 Posts
Required Age of Candidates:
Age limit of candidates should be between 18 to 25 years as on last date of receipt of application.
– Relaxation in upper age will be provided as per govt norms.
Education Criteria:
Candidates should be completed Matriculation pass or equivalent recognized university. one year’s experience in the trade
Selection Procedure:
For above positions candidates selection will be based on merit, qualification & written test/ trade test.Candidate selection prosess by step
Written test
Trade test
Merit List
How to Apply
- Last date for receipt of application. The last date for receipt of application is 21 days from the date of publication of the advertisement in the local newspaper.Candidates will fwd application properly sealed, in an envelope to the address mentioned against the post applied for, through Ordinary/Registered Post/Speed Post.
- Application in person by hand or courier services will not be accepted. Candidates are requested to superscribe the words “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF THE CHOWKIDAR/SAFAIWALI” as applicable on the top of envelope while sending the application.Candidates should specifically note that the late delivery of test/examination intimation due to postal delay (such as envelops wrongly addressed, delivered elsewhere etc) will not be entertained and no correspondence will be made in this regard.
- Certificate of experience in the trade where experience is desirable be produced.Following documents/certificates to be attached along with application:- (a) Two passport size recent photographs duly self attested, one over right corner of duly filled application form and one on Admit cum Acknowledgement Card. (b) Self attested copies of following certificates :- (i) Education qualification. (ii) Date of Birth. (iii) Discharge certificate for Ex-Serviceman. (c) Self addressed envelope of size 25×10 cms duly affixed postal stamp of Rs 25/-.
- Application should be forwarded to Commanding Officer, MILITARY HOSPITAL Army Area, DHRANGADHRA – 363310.
How to Apply Application Form:
Willing candidates can send their application in prescribed format with dully attested copies of all documents relating to educational qualification/ date of birth/ work experience and an envelope affixing postal stamp of Rs. 25/- for dispatch of call letter through registered post to the following address on or before 21 days from date of publication of advertisement in newspaper.
Willing candidates can send their application in prescribed format with dully attested copies of all documents relating to educational qualification/ date of birth/ work experience and an envelope affixing postal stamp of Rs. 25/- for dispatch of call letter through registered post to the following address on or before 21 days from date of publication of advertisement in newspaper.
Postal Address
Commanding Officer, MILITARY HOSPITAL
Army Area, DHRANGADHRA – 363310.
Important Dates:
Date of Advertisement: 21/10/2017
Last Date for Submission of Application: within 21 days from the date of advt.
Commanding Officer, MILITARY HOSPITAL
Army Area, DHRANGADHRA – 363310.
Important Dates:
Date of Advertisement: 21/10/2017
Last Date for Submission of Application: within 21 days from the date of advt.
Important Links