Monday, 1 January 2018

From January 1, The Modi Government Will Give 3 Gift, Rise Advantage

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2017 is going to end and 2018 is only a few days left to start. In this case, you will get some new Gift from the government. The government has decided to introduce some new rules from January 1, 2018, which will benefit you.This Gift of the Government will make life easier on New Year.
 So let’s know what the government is going to give you a new Gift at the beginning of the new year and how you will benefit from it.Linking with 1 home-based mobile SIM support.Since January 1, 2018, you have the facility of linking to your mobile SIM base at home.
Thus, this facility was to begin from December 1, but due to non-completion of the preparation of telecom companies, this facility was increased for one month. Now you will be able to link to the support from home on the basis of OTP and from other means on January 1.
Read on, what other Gift …