Wednesday 13 June 2018

1800 Revenue Talati Bharti Thashe. August Sudhima Araji Mangavashe

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8 lakh candidates registered for the 443 posts in 016: 33% of seats reserved for women: First year salary.

According to the budget disclosed by the Revenue Department of the State, recruitment of 1800 Revenue Talati has been initiated. By August, the government wants to publish applications by publishing advertisements. In the year 2016, 8 lakh candidates applied for 2443 vacancies of revenue collections. This year, 1800 Talati in 2018 and another 1800 for next year 2019 will be processed for recruitment.

Candidate selected as Talati for the first five years There will be a fixed salary of 19800. Then there will be salary and allowances like regular employees. Since the proportion of educated unemployed in the state is very high, it is expected that there will be lakhs of candidates for the 1800 posts of Revenue Talati. (2-21

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