Friday, 1 June 2018

RPF Recruitment 2018 Selection Procedure and Syllabus 2018

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RPF Recruitment 2018 will conduct the Examination in three stages for the recruitment Sub Inspector and Constable Posts. The Stages of the Selection Procedure of the candidates is as follows:
  1. Phase-I: Computer Based Test
  2. Phase-II: Physical Efficiency Test (PET)
  3. Phase-III: Physical Medical Test (PMT)
  4. Phase-IV: Document Verification

Phase-I: Computer Based Test:

  • The First Stage is a Computer Based Test, that means the exam is conduct Online.
  • The Format of the Questions are objective.
  • The CBT Exam Pattern is different for various posts.
Posts Duration Of Test Number of Questions General Awareness ArithmeticGeneral Intelligence and Reasoning
Sub Inspector (Exe)90 minutes120503535
Constable90 minutes120503535
Constable45 minutes60202020
Driver Grade III45 minutes60202020
  • The Question Paper will be available in English as well as other languages. Candidates can choose the mode of language at the time of filing of the Application Form. The Language of the CBT will appear in Hindi, English, Urdu, Tamil, Telugu, Konkani, Malayalam, Kannada, Marathi, Gujarati, Bengali, Oriya, Punjabi, Assamese, and Manipuri.
  • For every wrong answer, 1/3rd mark will be deducted.
  • Candidates need to score qualifying percentage marks in the Computer Based Test. The Unreserved Category candidates need to score 35% and the ST/SC Candidates need to score 33% marks.
  • There is no Computer Based Test for Constable (Band) and Sub Inspector (Band) Posts.
  • No candidate will be allowed to enter the Examination Hall beyond 10 minutes after the commencement of the Examination.
  • No candidate is allowed to leave the Examination till the completion of the Examination.

Phase-II: Physical Efficiency Test (PET) and Physical Medical Test (PMT)

After the completion of the CBT, if the candidate qualifies the Written Examination, the candidate will be called for Physical Efficiency Test and Physical Medical Test. The PET/ PMT is qualifying in nature. No marks will be awarded.

Physical Efficiency Test Pattern: 

Category1600 Mtr.800 Mtr.Long jumpHigh jump
Sub Inspector(Exe)6 min 30 sec_12 ft.3 ft. 9 inch
Sub Inspector female (Exe)4 min9 ft.3 ft.
Constable5 min 45 sec14 ft.4 ft.
Constable female_3 min 40 sec9 ft.3 ft.
Constable Band3 min 40 sec9 ft.3 ft.
Ancillary Staff3 min 40 sec9 ft.3 ft.
Driver Grade III6 min 30 sec_12 ft.3 ft. 9 inch

Important Points to be Remembered in PET/PMT:

  • The presence of the candidate in the PET/PMT will be recorded digitally by taking digital impressions of both thumbs. The entire PET/PMT Process will be video recorded in such a manner that the face and chest of the candidate is clearly visible.
  • Chances for Long Jump and High Jump will be limited. Candidates need to perform well in limited chances. For 1600 meters/ 800 meters only one chance will be given.
  • Candidates who qualify the 1600/800 meters will be measured for eligibility with respect to the height and chest. Chest Measurement will be taken only for male candidates.
  • Male Candidates who do not have minimum height will be disqualified. They will not be  considered for Chest Measurements.
  • Candidates who will fail PET/PMT will be taken out of the venue and will be marked inedible on their index finger of the left hand. Their call letters shall be collected.
  • In PMT, the Physical Measurement of the candidate is measured by the Committee.

  • Ex-Servicemen shall be exempted from PET. But they have to undergo PMT.

Phase-III: Trade Test

  • Candidates who qualifies the PET/PMT will have to appear a Trade Test and Document Verification. All the candidates who qualifies the PET will have to undergo a Trade Test. Digital Impressions of both thumbs and of the candidates and their signatures will be obtained on an Attendance Sheet as proof of appearance in the Trade Test.
  • The Trade Test will be of 40 marks which will be conducted for the selection of Sub Inspector (Band), Constable (Band), Driver Grade III, and Ancillary Staff.
  • Candidate must score a minimum of 40% for unreserved and 35% ST/SC Candidates to qualify further stages.
  • Candidates for the Categories of Constable (Barber, Cobbler), Sub Inspector (Band), Constable (Band), shall bring their own tools and instruments for the Trade Test.

Trade Test Pattern:

Candidates for Different Trade will be asked to do different tasks for the selection. The list of the Tasks is as follows:
  1. For Driver Grade III:
Candidates will be asked to make a figure “8” in reverse gear with a light motor vehicle and
and reverse a heavy vehicle into a designated garage size space only with the help of rear I-side-view mirrors. They will also be tested for tyre changing, fuse replacement, checking of various lubricants in the vehicle(steering oil, gear oil, differential oil, brake oil etc.) and checking of coolant and battery fluid.
  1. For Sub Inspector Band:
Candidates will be tested by the Committee for the command and conduct of the band. Candidates should be able to select the music and perform, set musical standard for the group, and play an instrument of his choice from the list of the instruments enclosed.
  1. For Constable Band:
Candidates will be tested by the Committee regarding the choice of the Instrument from the list of the Instruments Enclosed.
  1. For Constable Barber:
Handling of Tools, Hair Cutting and Shaving.
  1. For Constable Cobbler:
Knowledge of Shoe-Repair, Polishing and Punching Neat Holes in Leather.

RPF Recruitment Result 2018

RPF Recruitment 2018 Result will be released by the Indian Railways and this will be notified on its Official Website. The results for Railway SI, Constable, Driver etc. will be released by the Railway Protection Force. The results for different phases will be declared in different time. The selection of the candidates will be on the basis of the Merit-List that will be uploaded three weeks prior to the Phase II. The Results for the Phase II and III will be notified to the candidates on the spot of PET and PMT. All the recruitment rounds will be held on the same day itself at same venue.
  • Then a Final Panel List will be prepared limited to the number of vacancies for a Particular Group in each category that will be prepared from the Final Merit List.
  • The List will have the name of the qualified candidates in each category.
  • A reserved Panel will also be created separately, this panel is for the candidates who did not make up to the final panel. Its more of a waiting list. This will fill up the vacancies if the candidate does not appear/ qualify the medical test.

Document Verification for RRB RPF Recruitment 2018

This is the last stage of the RPF Recruitment 2018 Procedure. Here, the candidates have to produce certain documents and certificates at the time of document verification. Candidates has to qualify PMT/PET to attend the Document Verification.
List of the Documents to be Presented in the Document Verification:
  1. Matriculation Certificate as Proof of Age
  2. Graduation/ Matriculation Certificate as the Proof of Educational Qualification
  3. Caste Certificate (if required) in the format prescribed for employment under the Central Government.
  4. Discharge Certificate for Ex-Servicemen.
  5. Two Copies of Self-Attested Colour Photographs.
  6. No Objection Certificate from the Present Employer in case of Government Employees.
  7. Domicile Certificate wherever applicable.
  8. Driving License, Trade I Experience Certificates where applicable.
Candidates who do not participate in the Document Verification will be disqualified. The presence of the Candidate in the Document Verification will be recorded with Digital Impressions of both thumbs of the candidates and their signatures on the Attendance Sheet.

Download from Below Important Link :
RRB RPF Constable Notification 2018 : English | Hindi
RRB RPSF/  RPF SI Notification 2018 : English | Hindi

Important Dates :
  • Starting Date for Submission of Online Application : 01-06-2018
  • Last Date for Submission of Online Application : 30-06-2018
  • Last Date for On-Line Fee Payment : 02-07-2018
  • Last Date for Off-Line Fee Payment : 05-07-2018
  • Last Date for Photo Upload and Final Submission : 07-07-2018

Download Official Notification