Wednesday, 4 July 2018

Download Gujarat Rojgar Samachar (04 July 2018)

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Recruitments are to be made in about 90 thousand posts in Railways. There are also 62,907 vacancies for group D level, while 26,502 vacancies are for Group C. If you talk about Group D, then there will be computer-based test in the first phase. In this, 100 questions will be asked in 90 minutes. In addition to maths and reactions in these questions, almost 50 percent of the questions will be from General Knowledge and Current Affairs. For the question of general knowledge, today we have brought for it a few questions from the Group D exam paper in December 2013. We are also answering them as well.

Recruitments are to be made in about 90 thousand posts in Railways. There are also 62,907 vacancies for group D level, while 26,502 vacancies are for Group C. If you talk about Group D, then there will be computer-based test in the first phase. In this, 100 questions will be asked in 90 minutes. In addition to maths and reactions in these questions, almost 50 percent of the questions will be from General Knowledge and Current Affairs. For the question of general knowledge, today we have brought for it a few questions from the Group D exam paper in December 2013. We are also answering them as well.