Saturday, 7 July 2018

Keep this big deception, before filling the oil with you on the petrol pump, always keep these things in mind

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Keep this big deception, before filling the oil with you on the petrol pump, always keep these things in mind

With the ever increasing prices of petrol and diesel, where common man is disturbed, on the other hand, the pockets of people are also being cut by stealing on petrol pumps. In such a situation, you can stop yourself from having this theft or the incident.

Petrol, diesel prices rise
On Saturday for the third straight day, where the price of petrol was hiked by 13 paise, the price of diesel increased by 10 paise per liter. With this, the price of petrol in Delhi has now gone upto Rs 75.98 per liter and diesel is sold at Rs 67.76 per liter. The day before, petrol was sold at Rs 75.85 per liter and diesel was 67.66 rupees. The prices of both fuels were decreasing during the last one month.

Most matters in Maharashtra
According to the data released by the Ministry of Petroleum, incidence of incidence on most of the petrol pumps in Maharashtra has been revealed. Delhi on the second and Uttar Pradesh on the third and third. However, most cases do not appear because their complaints are not recorded

Decrease of 100-150 milliliters per 1 liter
According to the report of the Petroleum Ministry, the reduction of each liter of petrol and diesel is cut to 100-150 milliliter per liter on most petrol pumps in the country. This is being done either by chiping the machine or by giving less measurement. In many places, the distribution department got raids after arresting and arresting such aft, but now it has started again.
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8 July 2018 at 05:02 delete

All pump online set price by distributer
