Gujarat Public Service Commission (GPSC) Detailed Syllabus for Main Exam for the post of Police Inspector (PI) 2017-18 is now available on our website , Check below for more details.
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Post: Police Inspector (PI)
Mains Written Exam:
Paper Subject Marks Duration
Paper-1 Gujarati 200 marks 3 hours
Paper-2 English 200 marks 3 hours
Paper-3 General Studies-1 200 marks 3 hours
Paper-4 General Studies-2 200 marks 3 hours
Total 800 marks
Paper Subject Marks Duration
Paper-1 Gujarati 200 marks 3 hours
Paper-2 English 200 marks 3 hours
Paper-3 General Studies-1 200 marks 3 hours
Paper-4 General Studies-2 200 marks 3 hours
Total 800 marks
For more details: Click Here
Original File Link: Click Here