Saturday, 30 December 2017

How to link your mobile number to Aadhaar

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Aadhaar has become an important document not only to establish your identity and avail social security schemes from the government but also for financial matters like your income tax returns (ITR), keeping your bank accounts active, and even for investing in financial products like mutual funds.
Earlier on in 2017, it was announced that customers had to link their mobile numbers with Aadhaar. There are many advantages of linking the two. For instance, you can e-verify your For instance, you can e-verify your ITR using Aadhaar. Here, an OTP is sent to the mobile number linked to your Aadhaar. You can even update personal details linked to your Aadhaar online using an OTP sent to your registered mobile number. Downloading e-Aadhaar also requires verification via OTP sent to your mobile number.
If you want to link your mobile number with Aadhaar, there can be two scenarios:
1. You are linking it for the first time;
2. You have changed your mobile number and want to update your Aadhaar data by replacing the old number with the new one.
Linking your mobile number to Aadhaar for the first time:
This needs to be done offline. Most online transactions are OTP (one-time-password) authenticated, i.e., the password is sent to the registered number. Since you are linking your number for the first time, online authentication is not possible. To do this offline you need to follow these steps:
Visit your nearest Aadhaar centre to get the Aadhar Update/Correction Form or download it from the UIDAI website