Tuesday 27 February 2018

Create a home-made PAN card with these steps

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Create a home-made PAN card with these steps
In today’s time, PAN card is most needed. Often the PAN card is required for identification. If you lose your PAN card, you can easily make it again. For this you do not have to go anywhere. Now you can do this work easily at your home. Learn how to apply for a new PAN card online using these steps.

First of all, you have to go to the PAN Service Unit’s website of Income Tax. You have to click on https://tin.tin.nsdl.com/pan/ for this.

When you click on this link, a home page will open in front of you, where you will get 3 options. First, you can apply for a new PAN card. Second, if you are a foreigner you will have the option of creating a new PAN card. Third, if you want to change your PAN card number or want to reprint your PAN card, choose one of these three option options.

You will have the choice to create a new PAN card. For this, you will need to enter the required details. In it you will have to enter other information including your own name. For this you must fill out the 49A form.

After submitting the form you can easily submit it, the way this submission will be done. There will be an identification number against you. You will have to save this disclosure and keeping it in its print will also be beneficial.