Tuesday, 3 July 2018

Play your girlfriend’s whipspeap in your phone

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Play your girlfriend’s whipspeap in your phone

Many of you may think that what his girlfriend does in his phone, no matter what I do. Or if you want to spy on your boyfriend or girlfriend So this news is for you. In this news, I will tell you how your boyfriend or girlfriend can play Whatsapp in your phone.

The most is to open Chrome in your mobile. It has to open the Whatsapp web. After that you will be able to see the code once. After that, take your boyfriend or girlfriend for mobile for five secs. After that you have to open his whipsap.

After that you have to click the green option. After that, the camera will open. With that camera you have to scan the bar code that appears in your phone. Uh just got done Now you make good spy of your beloved girlfriend. See who he talks to with his phone.


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