Friday, 1 February 2019

Ben can be Pubg in India, 11-year-old child arrives in high court

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You will be familiar with the PUBG Mobile game. There is a demand for Benazir Bhutto to be present in India in recent days. Just a few days back, there is a demand for Ben in Gujarat, while in Jammu and Kashmir, there is a demand for Ben on Pabji. Pabji Game is also mentioned in a planned exam-pay-talk program in Delhi. On the other hand, an 11-year-old child has arrived at the Bombay High Court to complete the practice in India.

A young boy named Ehad Nijam has filed a public application in the Bombay High Court and asked for a petition on the petition. Apart from this, Pabiji Khel encourages violence, aggression and cyber crime. Let me tell you that Meriam Nizam is the lawyer of Aarh, and with the help of his mother, the court has demanded the Benal over the court. It has also been said in the petition that Center Scroll should create an online review committee to investigate this type of violent online game from time to time.

Let me tell you that there is a complete ban on the wind in Gujarat. In the past, there has been a demand for a ban on pabuji in Jammu and Kashmir. Anger game is increasing due to high school children. In the study, he did not seem to be in his mind. In view of this, the Gujarat government has asked the District Education Officers to issue a circular and apply a banner on a Pubious Game.

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