Sunday 5 August 2018

The dark sky app will tell when the rain will fall and close

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Gadget Desk: Ahmedabad's eagerly awaiting rain for a long time ended. Until rain does not happen, people will forecast rain or rain on the basis of the atmosphere. Apart from Ahmedabad, other areas of Gujarat are also disturbed due to excessive rainfall. Today we are telling you about an app that gets applauded around the world for accurate prediction about when the rain will fall and when it will stop. The name of the application is, Dark Sky.

 The'Dark Sky' app that tracks the user's location using GPS technology alerts every 15 minutes about the change in weather. 

- It tells the estimated time of precipitation by sending notification to the user's phone. There is also information about how long the rain will take in it.- On this App, the user can find information about the weather there by naming any particular location.